Publications 2006

Publications 2006

Articles and book chapters published in 2006 (update march 2010)


Andreev, A.A, Labbé, C., Roger, J.L., Billard, R., Ustinyuk, T.K., Kurchikov, A.L.,2006. Influence of lipids on rainbow trout sperm under conditions of cryoconservation.Biol. Membr.23, 3: 240-243 

Bobe, J., Montfort, J., Nguyen, T., Fostier, A., 2006. Identification of new participants in the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) oocyte maturation and ovulation processes using cDNA microarrays. Reprod. Biol. Endocrinol. 4:39: 1-16 [ Full text

Chauvigné, F., Rallière, C., Cauty, C., Rescan, P.Y., 2006. In situhybridisation of a large repertoire of muscle-specific transcripts in fish larvae: the new superficial slow-twitch fibres exhibit characteristics of fast-twitch differentiation. J. Exp. Biol. 209, 2: 372-379 [ DOI

Covain, R., Le Bail, P.Y., Sagnes, P., Fisch-Muller, S., 2006. Les espèces du genre Harttia (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) en Guyane française: morphologie, taxinomie et distribution.Cybium30, 1: 3-18 [ URL

Gabillard, J.C., Yao, K., Vandeputte, M., Gutierrez, J., Le Bail, P.Y., 2006. Differential expression of two GH receptor mRNAs following temperature change in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) J. Endocrinol. 190, 1: 29-37 [ DOI

Gabillard, J.C., Kamangar, B.B., Montserrat, N., 2006. Coordinated regulation of the GH/IGF system genes during refeeding in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) J. Endocrinol. 191: 15-24 [ DOI

Ginot, V., Gaba, S., Beaudouin, R., Aries, G., Monod, H., 2006. Combined use of local and ANOVA-based global sensitivity analyses for the investigation of a stochastic dynamic model: application to the case study of an individual-based model of a fish population.Ecol. Model.193: 479-491 [ DOI

Govoroun, M., Le Gac, F., Guiguen, Y., 2006. Generation of a large scale repertoire of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from normalised rainbow trout cDNA libraries.BMC Genomics: 7:196, 1-8 [ Full text

Kamangar, B.B., Gabillard, J.C., Bobe, J., 2006. Insulin-like growth factor-binding protein (IGFBP)-1, -2, -3, -4, -5, and -6 and IGFBP-related protein 1 during rainbow trout postvitellogenesis and oocyte maturation: molecular characterization, expression profiles, and hormonal regulation.Endocrinology147, 5: 2399-2410 [ DOI

Keith, P., Nandrin, L., Le Bail, P.Y., 2006. Rivulus gaucheri, a new species of rivuline (Cyprinodontiformes: Rivulidae) from French Guiana. Cybium 30, 2: 133-137 [ URL

Kokokiris, L., Fostier, A., Athanassopoulou, F., Petridis, D., Kentouri, M., 2006. Gonadal changes and blood sex steroids levels during natural sex inversion in the protogynous Mediterranean red porgy, Pagrus pagrus(Teleostei: Sparidae) Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 149: 42-48 [ DOI

Mauger, P.E., Le Bail, P.Y., Labbé, C., 2006. Cryobanking of fish somatic cells: Optimizations of fin explant culture and fin cell cryopreservation.Comp. Biochem. Physiol., B144: 29-37 [ DOI

Milla, S., Jalabert, B., Rime, H., Prunet, P., Bobe, J., 2006. Hydration of rainbow trout oocyte during meiotic maturation and in vitro regulation by 17,20ß-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one and cortisol.J. Exp. Biol.209, 6: 1147-1156 [ DOI

Morzel, M., Chambon, C., Lefèvre, F., Paboeuf, G., Laville, E., 2006. Modifications of trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) muscle proteins by preslaughter activity. J. Agric. Food. Chem. 54: 2997-3001 [ DOI

Mourot, B., Nguyen, T., Fostier, A., Bobe, J., 2006. Two unrelated putative membrane-bound progestin receptors, progesterone membrane receptor component 1 (PGMRC1) and membrane progestin receptor (mPR) beta, are expressed in the rainbow trout oocyte and exhibit similar ovarian expression patterns.Reprod. Biol. Endocrinol.4, 6: 1-14 [ Full text]  

Ndiaye, P., Forgue, J., Lamothe, V., Cauty, C., Tacon, P., Lafon, P., Davail, B., Fostier, A., Le Menn, F., Nunez, J., 2006. Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) vitellogenins: Development of homologous and heterologous ELISAs and analysis of vitellogenin pathway through the ovarian follicle.J. Exp. Zool.305A: 576-593 [ DOI

Prunet, P., Sturm, A., Milla, S., 2006. Multiple corticosteroid receptors in fish: from old ideas to new concepts.Gen. Comp. Endocrinol.147: 17-23 [ DOI

Suzuki, K., Yu, X.P., Chaurand, P., Araki, Y., Lareyre, J.J., Caprioli, R.M., Matusik, R.J., Orgebin-Crist, M.C., 2006. Epididymis-specific promoter-driven gene targeting: a transcription factor which regulates epididymis-specific gene expression.Mol. Cell. Endocrinol.250, 1-2: 184-189 [ DOI

Vettier, A., Labbé, C., Amerand, A., Da Costa, G., Le Rumeur, E., Moisan, C., Sebert, P., 2006. Hydrostatic pressure effects on eel mitochondrial functioning and membrane fluidity.Undersea Hyperb. Med.33, 3: 149-156

Vizziano, D., Barrios, F., Astigarraga, I., Breton, B., Williot, P., 2006. Technical note. Unusual conditions for Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii Brandt) spawning. J. Appl. Ichthyol. 22, S1: 325-330 [ DOI

Yao, K., Gabillard, J.C., Le Bail, P.Y., 2006. Influence of circulating GH levels on GH-binding capacity measurements in the hepatic membrane of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss): importance of normalization of results. Fish Physiol. Biochem. 32: 121-130 [ DOI

Zarske, A., Le Bail, P.Y., Géry, J., 2006. New and poorly known characiform fishes from French Guiana. 1. Two new tetras of the genera Hemigrammus and hyphessobrycon (Teleostei: characiformes: characidae)Zool. Abh.55: 17-30

Book chapters

Gutierrez, J., Navarro, I., Planas, J.V., Montserrat, N., Rojas, P., Castillo, J., Chystiakova, O.V., Gabillard, J.C., Smith, A., Chan, S.J., Leibush, N.B., 2006. Insulin and IGF receptors in fish. 5 : 131-165 In "Fish endocrinology. Volume 1". Science Publishers, Inc. Enfield (US)

Modification date: 11 April 2024 | Publication date: 04 March 2010 | By: Agnès Girard