Isabelle Hue

Isabelle Hue

Molecular and cellular interactions between the tissues (adipose, connective, muscular) of trout muscle



After training in agronomy, a thesis in immunology and a post-doc in plant biology, I arrived at INRA at the end of 1992 to join a team working on the maturation of goat oocytes. In 1997, I joined a team working on the bovine embryo and somatic nuclear transfer (or cloning). Here I am interested in embryo abnormalities that develop after cloning or in vitro fertilization, uterus/embryo interactions and the impact of maternal physiological status on embryo development. To do this, I use various methods in embryology (dissection or removal of tissues), histology or molecular biology. In 2017, I am looking to join the Brittany/Normandy and... 2 years later... here I am at the LPGP to address, in the "Growth and quality of the flesh" team, questions of molecular and cellular interactions between the tissues (adipose, connective, muscular) of trout muscle.

PhD - University of Aix-Marseille II, 1990

Post-Doc von Humboldt, MPI Cologne, Germany, 1990-1992
Since 1992, Permanent Investigator at INRA

  • 1992-1997, Biology of Fertilization, Jouy en Josas
  • 1997-2019, Biology of Development and Reproduction, Jouy en Josas
  • 2019, Physiology and Genomics of Fish, Rennes


  • Master Genes Genomes Cells, University Orsay, France
  • Master Reproductive Biotechnologies, AgroParisTech, France
  • Master Integrative Biology, AgroParisTech, France
  • Master Reprodev, University Paris-Diderot, France

Active collaborations in the last years

  • Fernando Biase, University of Auburn, and Harris Lewin, University of Davis ; USA
  • Séverine Degrelle and Thierry Fournier, INSERM, University of Paris-Descartes, France
  • Denis Laloe, INRA, Jouy en Josas, France
  • Marc-André Sirard, University of Laval, Quebec, Canada
  • Christoph Viebahn, University of Goettingen, Germany
  • Isabelle Donnay, University of Louvain la Neuve, Belgium
  • Jo Leroy, University of Anvers, Belgium








Social media


See also

Research group "Growth and Flesh Quality" and Research