Conservation biotechnologies and risk assessment

Conservation biotechnologies (cryopreservation-regeneration) and risk assessment

Our aim is to sustain the biotechnologies for aquatic genetic resources preservation and for fish regeneration from cryopreserved material. We are working on the cryopreservation of germinal stem cells, either isolates or within gonad pieces, sperm, embryonic cells, somatic cells and tissues, and larvae, in fish and mollusks. We work on mastering fish regeneration from the cryopreserved cells according to two complementary technologies: somatic and embryonic cell nuclear transfer, and germinal stem cell grafting in host larvae. We want to characterize whether these biotechnologies are affecting the offspring quality, including in an epigenetic perspective

In this folder

Our aim is to i) optimize and standardize cryopreservation of resources interesting for fish farmers, breeders, genetic resources managers, and researchers, according to a procedure which encompasses in field collect and conservation and cryobanking of the cryopreserved material; ii) Optimize the cellular and molecular damages induced by cryopreservation, in order to identify the leverage levels in refractory cell types or species, and to control the risks for the offspring

Our research aims to improve the yield of germinal stem cell grafting, by characterizing the cellular factors favorable to the germ cell incorporation into the recipient gonad and to the proliferation and differentiation of the germinal stem cells in the recipient gonad, and by optimizing the universal sterile recipient which will sustain the development of gamete from the donor fish only.

Inra LPGP - Alexandra Depincé

Somatic cell and tissue cryopreservation is a compelling option for fish genetic resources management, because somatic cells bear both paternal and maternal genome. This compensates for the inability of oocytes and whole embryo to withstand cryopreservation. Fish reconstruction requires the use of the nuclear transfer technology, where a diploid nucleus is transferred by injection into a recipient oocyte. The injected chromatin must be reprogrammed in order to undergo normal embryonic development. We work on the improvement of the nuclear transfer technology in fish, and we study the cellular and epigenetic reprogramming process during early development