
EggPreserve - Proteomic identification of ovarian fluid components able to extend fish egg viability

National program coordinated by Julien Bobe (selected in 2016)

The EggPreserve project aims at identifying the ovarian fluid components that preserve egg viability of salmonid eggs for several weeks after ovulation. This unique feature, which is not observed in other fish species, suggests specific mechanisms acquired by trout and salmons during evolution.

In collaboration with the Protim Biogenouest proteomic facility, we will shade new light on the genes and proteins responsible for this unique biological feature. In the longer term, the objective of the work will be to develop a synthetic ovarian fluid that could be used for fish egg storage and transport under aquaculture conditions.

More than 10 INRA researchers and technicians will participate in this 300000-euro project between 2017 and 2020.