CryoStore project

European funding (DN-MSCA) for the CryoStore project (09/2023-08/2027)

LPGP is a member of the CryoStore project, coordinated by Ian Mayer (NMBU, Norway), a doctoral network attached to the Marie Skodowska-Curie Actions (DN-MSCA).

The aim of CryoStore is to propose innovations to improve the cryopreservation of reproductive material, with a view to supporting the policy of conserving animal genetic resources and conserving the biodiversity of domestic species in Europe. This research will be carried out as part of the training of a new generation of researchers, since CryoStore's support consists of funding 10 international doctoral students (including one for LPGP). During the 3 years of their thesis, PhD students assigned to one laboratory will spend 6 to 8 months in 2 to 3 other laboratories in the consortium to broaden their skills. They will also take part in 3 "summer schools" on themes related to the project, with the additional aim of acquiring personal skills. The recruitment phase for international doctoral students is currently underway (deadline March 2024).

The network partners are: The Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), Leibniz University Hannover, University of South Bohemia, Wageningen Research, National Institute for Agrarian and Veterinary Research, IMV Technologies, SYSAAF and INRAE-LPGP

The Cryostore kick-off meeting will take place from 30 October to 1 November in Tours. Catherine Labbé will be presenting work package 4, for which she is the leader, dedicated to exploring the epigenetic risk associated with cryopreservation.

For more information on workpackages and thesis topics: